In this episode: Hello! Flatus Show listeners. This is Easter weekend so I included another bible segment on blood atonement to make the show holy. Mellie is laying eggs and Gianni is in the deep south with Daniel. I made a cake but it kind of fell apart, but I was able to save a few pieces, Not all was lost. The recorder is back in my life! Now I want to find other recorder pervs so I can play in some recorder ensembles. We will see and I'll let you know. And I still don't understand why people get weird when you mention atheism. Most times they act like they have an Everready battery on their shoulder. Chill out! I am reading through The gospel according to Mark and finding all sorts of interesting things. Who preached repentance and baptism first? Find out during the Bible segment. Check out for exciting recipes. I have an iPhone so if you have one, we can have FACETIME together! If you have any questions, or comments leave them on the blog, email me at or call me at 206-984-3617. Enjoy and thank you for listening.
The Flatus Show 278
The Flatus Show Store
When the books of the Bible were written
Art Hag
Von Huene recorder workshop
Hello Waffles
The New Dr. Price Cookbook
Hermes Press
Leviticus 16
The NAVY Seal Physical Fitness Guide
Drive-In Cult Classics - 8 Movie Set at about $4 bucks! Wow! And it includes "Malibu High"!
Blood Diamonds are forever
K E N T I E on YouTube!
Retro Food Kink
Nil Desperandum
If you want to be part of the show [and Jose & Mellie would like that] you can reach me at:
Here is the RSS feed, so you can subscribe with whatever aggregator floats your boat: FLATUS Show RSS
Subscribe through iTunes with one click! Click HERE to subscribe with iTunes
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
FLATUS Show 278 - Frank Capra aegagrus hircus wandering in a desert for Azazel***206-984-3617***
Posted by
10:31 PM
Sunday, April 17, 2011
FLATUS Show 277 - To rift the fiery night***206-984-3617***
In this episode: Hello! Flatus Show listeners. I'm back this week! Last week I was just too busy to do the show. Actually I tried to record segments while I was doing my chores and driving to pick up Gianni at the train station, but alas after i put it together, it didn't seem inspired. Also, last weekend I purchased a rosewood Dolmetsch alto recorder [circa 1961] at the Von Huene Recorder workshop in beautiful Brookline Village. I was also busy breaking it in. I am have decided that I want to practice and play my reorder as regularly as I play the ukulele and go to the gym. The recorder is back in my life! Now I want to find other recorder perps so I can play in some recorder ensembles. We'll see and I'll let you know. And I still don't understand why people get weird when you mention atheism. Most times they act like they have an Everready battery on their shoulder. Chill out! I am reading through The gospel according to Mark and finding all sorts of interesting things. Who preached repentance and baptism first? Find out during the Bible segment. Check out for exciting recipes. I have an iPhone so if you have one, we can have FACETIME together! If you have any questions, or comments leave them on the blog, email me at or call me at 206-984-3617. Enjoy and thank you for listening.
The Flatus Show 277
The Flatus Show Store
When the books of the Bible were written
Art Hag
Von Huene recorder workshop
Hello Waffles
The New Dr. Price Cookbook
Hermes Press
Giacomo Meyerbeer
The NAVY Seal Physical Fitness Guide
Drive-In Cult Classics - 8 Movie Set at about $4 bucks! Wow! And it includes "Malibu High"!
Bel Canto
K E N T I E on YouTube!
Retro Food Kink
Nil Desperandum
If you want to be part of the show [and Jose & Mellie would like that] you can reach me at:
Here is the RSS feed, so you can subscribe with whatever aggregator floats your boat: FLATUS Show RSS
Subscribe through iTunes with one click! Click HERE to subscribe with iTunes
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.
Posted by
9:10 AM
Sunday, April 10, 2011
FLATUS Show - No Show Today***206-984-3617***
In this episode: Hello! Flatus Show listeners. No show today. I am practicing the recorder. Maybe next week. Check out for exciting recipes. I have an iPhone so if you have one, we can have FACETIME together! If you have any questions, or comments leave them on the blog, email me at or call me at 206-984-3617. Enjoy and thank you for listening.
The Flatus Show
The Flatus Show Store
When the books of the Bible were written
Art Hag
Hello Waffles
The New Dr. Price Cookbook
Hermes Press
Giacomo Meyerbeer
The NAVY Seal Physical Fitness Guide
Drive-In Cult Classics - 8 Movie Set at about $4 bucks! Wow! And it includes "Malibu High"!
Bel Canto
K E N T I E on YouTube!
Retro Food Kink
Nil Desperandum
If you want to be part of the show [and Jose & Mellie would like that] you can reach me at:
Here is the RSS feed, so you can subscribe with whatever aggregator floats your boat: FLATUS Show RSS
Subscribe through iTunes with one click! Click HERE to subscribe with iTunes
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.
Posted by
2:37 PM
Sunday, April 03, 2011
FLATUS Show 276 - Five hundred years of silence?***206-984-3617***
In this episode: Hello! Flatus Show listeners. This past week it snowed! I also am doing some maintenance for my wood recorders. Basically I am oiling them. To assist me in this, I built a special stand to hold my recorder parts while they suck up the oil I swabbed on them. I am thinking of buying a Mollenhauer and Morgan Denner Alto recorder. I've been wanting a new one and this seemed like an affordable option. I don't understand why people get weird when you mention atheism. Most times they act like they have an Everready battery on their shoulder. Chill out! Check out for exciting recipes. I have an iPhone so if you have one, we can have FACETIME together! If you have any questions, or comments leave them on the blog, email me at or call me at 206-984-3617. Enjoy and thank you for listening.
The Flatus Show 276
The Flatus Show Store
When the books of the Bible were written
Art Hag
Hello Waffles
The New Dr. Price Cookbook
Hermes Press
Giacomo Meyerbeer
The NAVY Seal Physical Fitness Guide
Drive-In Cult Classics - 8 Movie Set at about $4 bucks! Wow! And it includes "Malibu High"!
Bel Canto
K E N T I E on YouTube!
Retro Food Kink
Nil Desperandum
If you want to be part of the show [and Jose & Mellie would like that] you can reach me at:
Here is the RSS feed, so you can subscribe with whatever aggregator floats your boat: FLATUS Show RSS
Subscribe through iTunes with one click! Click HERE to subscribe with iTunes
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.
Posted by
3:01 PM